Abigail Hernandez, M.B.A.
Co-Founder, Chief Operating Officer
Ms. Abigail Hernandez has held roles in Communication and Accounting while working for non- profits. For the past nine years Ms. Hernandez has dedicated her time to implementing and organizing fundraisers and events to raise funds and toys for unfortunate children locally and internationally. She has also volunteered at local food banks to collect food for children, the elderly and families to help end hunger. Ms. Hernandez was a part of the Fiscal Year 2016 Grants Advisory Group for Montgomery County. As a Grants Advisor she reviewed applications and interviewed the non-profits in the County who applied for County grants. Ms. Hernandez then made recommendations to the Advisory chair. In 2017 - 2019 Ms. Hernandez served as a Mentor for the ALAS Program at Richard Montgomery, which specifically aimed to mentor students in 11th and 12th grade through their college search and application. She graduated from DeVry University in 2014 and Keller Graduate School of Management in 2016.